Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

17th of May 2006

Bye Bye Blue Frog :-(

Thus ends an important era of the Internet: Blue Frog is no more. The fuck-wit spammers will, no doubt, be rejoicing. This isn't really the end though, BlueSecurity has proved that spam can be tackled; with a bigger organisation fighting the spam we can - and will - win.

Personally I'd like to see a community-driven approach, whereby volunteers analyse spam messages and submit opt-out scripts across a distributed network of sites, which propogate out to an army of "frogs" across the 'net, and where spam reports filter back the same way. With no single point of failure the spammers would be forced to comply.

I also hope that PharmaMaster (the spammer who took responsibility for the DDoS) is caught and has the book thrown at him/her: An example needs to be made, and [s]he's stuck his/her neck out.

Blog #593, posted at 17:26 (GMT)