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14th of March 2007

Vegetarian Canapés


Work on the process of turning my laptop into a nice Linux box began last night. After a few hickups this morning (where I hadn't loaded in the SCSI/SATA drivers for my hardware, because I couldn't find them in the Kernel configuration menus) I now have a working base Gentoo system. At present it is compiling package 53 of 109 of the Xorg X11 Server. Hmm, this might take a while. I may have a working desktop by the end of the week...

Today's picture is of some vegetarian canapés which were made by The Cottage Bakery (under construction at time of writing) who catered my mother in-law's birthday party back in February. They did a great veggie selection and I took a load of pictures for their website for free, partly as a "thanks".

Blog #624, posted at 12:23 (GMT)