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Work has been weird this week. Because of the visiting Americans and Germans, plus the unforeseen absence of our team-lead, there has been a bit of a party atmosphere in the office. In fact there have probably been more pints of beer consumed this week than lines of code written.

Wednesday was a particularly good laugh; We all went out to the Aangan restaurant in Reading. It's an excellent restaurant, and I think everyone had a good laugh. It's cool that even though they all take the piss out of my veganism they were still all up for visiting a vegetarian restaurant.

Today we're off to Oxford with the one American who hasn't yet gone home yet. One of my colleagues who grew up in Oxford is giving us all a guided tour, which will be cool as I've never really seen any of Oxford's attractions.

And we're also going to drink some beer.

Blog #641, posted at 08:13 GMT (GMT)