Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

22nd of November 2007


Radiohead's new album In Rainbows is out now and, if you've been living in a cave and hadn't already heard, it's available to download at any price you might wish to pay (including nothing) from their website. However, and here's the kicker, it doesn't work on Linux. Seems their web monkey designed the site as a flash background with HTML links. Don't ask me why. On Internet Explorer the links are rendered, for reasons I cannot fathom, in front of the Flash background. More sensible browsers render the text behind the Flash. The problem is, of course, that it means we cannot access the site from Linux boxes.

Anyway, the quick and easy way to solve the problem is to use something like Adblock Plus to block the background. The even quicker and even easier way is to click here to go straight to the shopping cart, which uses a normal static background.

Piece of cake.

I've listened to the album a few times now. It's nothing like as good as OK Computer or The Bends, but it's better than most of their more recent output. I chose to download the album for free on the basis of "if I like it, I'll go back and pay them some money for it" and ... well, I like it. I haven't decided how much to give them yet. I doubt it'll be as much as a normal boxed CD, but I'd say somewhere in the region of £5 to £7.50 would be fair.

Blog #651, posted at 13:25 (GMT)