Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

21st of March 2004

Probably Moving Home

My blog may be moving home at some point in the near future, although I'm unsure when. I've decided that the Aberystwyh servers are not the place to host this and am currently looking for alternatives. I could very well move it to my business website address, but I don't want my work and personal life in the same place. Current options are:

A free shell acount and homepage on a Linux server in Germany.

A $5 one-time contribution to validate a shell with freeshell, or,

A $36 one-time fee to get a lifetime membership to freeshell with extra webspace and stuff.

I'll give as much advanced warning as possible before moving the site, and I'll keep this page here with a redirect to the new location. The move will also be an opportunity to add a few features to the blog that I overlooked originally.

Apology accepted

In response to my blog titled "Free Reading Lessons for #Aber Members" I have received an apology by email from a member of #Aber. I'm not one to hold a grudge, so Apology accepted.

The Weekend

Liz came to Aberystwyth for the weekend. She arrived on Friday around 7:30 which meant I had to do a hell of a lot of cleaning between 4:30 and 7:30 (I worked through my lunch-break so that I could leave early) so that the flat was actually inhabitable when she arrived.

She'd not been here an hour before we were setting out to hit the pubs with my colleagues. It was a bit of an OLU piss-up starting in Wetherspoons and then heading towards the pier. Yes, the pier. Lowey went to the pier. While we were in Wetherspoons someone mentioned that I was expected to dance in the Pier, which I point-blank refused to do. It's something I never do. I hate dancing. Can't dance won't dance, that's me. Well, unless my weakness is found.

Many attempts to get me to dance failed. If only they'd known my secret weakness. I shall now reveal that weakness so that it may be read, acknowledged and stored for future reference: I only dance when I am sober, or at least only had one or two pints at the most, and excellent music playing. Plus I hate ridiculously busy dance-floors, or music that's so loud that you can't hear. Meet those conditions, twist my arm, and I might just dance. Might.

Saturday morning we got up fairly early with the intention of gettng a bus to Devil's Bridge and then walking back. That plan went out the window as we were both a little worse for wear after a night in the Pier. While we were pondering what to do the flat began to shake with the sound of strangely tribal-like drums. Eventually I worked out that this was coming from the street and so called Liz to the front of the flat where a huge procession of peace protesters were marching down the road banging on huge drums and blowing whistles.

It was great. Most protests these days seem to be far too unorganised, where as this one had a huge following and seemed very well organised. After they'd passed Liz and I looked at each other and agreed we should go join them, so we hastily put shoes on, grabbed coats, and chased after them.

There was a bit of a weird symbollic gesture on the sea-front of tying ribbons to the prom and then we headed on to Pen Dinas castle. There we stood in the gale force winds and listened to 3 prominent speakers discuss the legalities and ethics of the war.

While we were there, strangely, I had a sudden flash of inspiration for a piece of amateur dramatics.

After protesting for a while we walked home and lazed around for most of the rest of the day, nursing hangovers etc. We went charity-shop shopping because Liz wanted some new trousers, and we went to Woolworths too so I could buy a much needed second cereal bowl, seive and potato peeler.

Later on we met Burt and went to Rummers for a drink. Passing The Mill on the way we decided to stop off for a paddywhack* and I realised I'd not got money on me. D'oh. Ran back to the bank while Liz and Burt went to Rummers. After a beer in Rummers we moved on to The Ship and Castle where we have our ring's twisted. That is, we sampled the delights of the beer "Twisted Ring". It's not bad. A bit weird. It's as black as Guinness, but it has a very strange head on it that eventually begins to look like sewage. Still I enjoyed it none the less. We then headed on to the Bay.

This morning was devoted to recovery. Genius that I am I forgot to drink some water before going to sleep and so awoke this morning with a raging thirst and a headache to reckon with.

We were going to go for a walk up Constitution hill, but that fell through when we got onto the seafront and the wind was blowing so hard it drove the rain into the skull and through any non-waterproofed clothing. Instead we just chilled for the day.

...Now to get on with various CGI scripts.

Blog #70, posted at 18:45 (GMT)