Get Firefox! "my blog doesn't just deal with my life, it deals with some important stuff too"

23rd of March 2004

After much messing around yesterday I finally got my imageMap working - it turns out that I had named the map lamgMap and not langMap as I had intended. *Sigh*

Today's task was to fix the website so that it printed correctly in Internet Explorer, a task I had allowed 3 days for as I expected it to be a problem. It took me half a day. That means the only item left on my agenda is testing, which basically means looking for inconsistencies in the rendering and fixing them. So, basically, the website is done!

I watched One Hour Photo last night. This is a splendid film in my opinion. Very dark, chilling, touching and not your bog standard "Start, Middle, End" kind of Hollywood rubbish. Robin Williams is amazing in this film, it really shows his broad range of acting abilities.

Went to bed late because immediately after One Hour Photo I started watching Good Morning Vietnam but only got half way through when I decided I really needed to get some sleep.

And now for something completely different.

0wr F4th3R, wh0 0wnz h34\/3n, j00 r0x0rs! M4y 4|| 0wr b4s3 s0m3d4y Bl0ng t0 j00! M4y j00 0wn 34rth juss |1|3 j00 0wn h34\/3n. G1v3 us th1s d4y 0wr w4r3z, mp3z, 'n pr0n thr0ugh a ph4t |. 4nd cut us s0m3 sl4ck wh3n w3 4ct lik3 n00b l4m3rz, juss 4s w3 g1v3 n00bz 4 l34rn1n wh3n th3y l4m3 2 us. Pl34s3 d0n't l3t us 0wn s0m3 p00r d00d'z b0x3n wh3n w3'r3 t00 p1ss3d t0 th1nk 4b0ut wh4t's r1ght 4nd wr0ng, 4nd 1f j00 c0uld k33p th3 f3i 0ff 0wr b4ckz, w3'd 'pr3c14t3 1t. F0r j00 0wn 4ll 0wr b0x3n 43v3r 4nd 3v3r, 4m3n!

(Many thanks to Stone for finding that)

Blog #73, posted at 13:28 (GMT)