Another blog

Hi there, this is another attempt to write a blog and create a homepage. I do this to keep me sane. I have to rebuild a pretty complex page that uses ancient Joomla 2.5. To contrast that endeavour I want to create a web page that is as simple as it gets. No CMS, database, PHP, JS, plugins, extensions, frameworks and whatnot. Just a simple plain old web page. Without writing HTML by hand, because writing HTML is pretty awful.

The last time around I used Makefly, which worked well enough but I only wrote one post before it was abandoned by its author. This time I am using Luapress, which is great so far, except for the documentation.

I think static site generators are a good thing, as they are simple and the resulting web pages can be as simple, fast and secure as web pages can get. This page is nothing but standard HTML and CSS, with the comfort of writing the pages in Markdown. Well, I still have to get used to that part.

I chose Luapress out of the hundreds of static site generators available quite simply because I like Lua and Luapress is pretty much the only Lua-based option available. It is also among the simplest and will hopefully serve my use case well.

We will see whether I will actually write more than one post this time around.
