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Hideyuki Kusuda

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<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
Python 2.7.18: /usr/bin/python
Tue May 7 09:14:47 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /home/r/riktov/public_html/cgi-bin/ in <module>()
    352         display_by_question(g_things, g_questions, g_q_id)
    353 elif query_by == 'thing' :      #by thing
=>  354         edit_by_thing(g_things, g_questions, g_th_name)
    355 else:
    356         edit_by_none(g_things, g_questions)
edit_by_thing = <function edit_by_thing>, g_things = [<Aaron Griffith : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, <Adam Whiting : {'1': 'n', '3': 'y', '2': 'n', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Adriana Alves : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Ai Nguyen Dang : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Andrea Obana : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, <Arthur Syin : {'1': 'n', '3': 'y'}>, <Aya McMahon : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Aya Ohi : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y'}>, <Bruce Taylor : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Carlos Inomata : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y'}>, <Carlos Ramirez : {'': ''}>, <Chris Heissner : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Daniel Bretzke : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'n', '14': 'n', '6': 'y'}>, <Daniel Wiltshire : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y', '2': 'y', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Daniel Yuki Smith : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Daniel+Bretzke : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'y', '14': 'n', '6': 'n'}>, <Daniel+Wiltshire : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'n', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Diana Meredith : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Eric Bowles : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Erica Benner : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, ...], g_questions = [], g_th_name = 'Hideyuki Kusuda'
 /home/r/riktov/public_html/cgi-bin/ in edit_by_thing(things=[<Aaron Griffith : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, <Adam Whiting : {'1': 'n', '3': 'y', '2': 'n', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Adriana Alves : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Ai Nguyen Dang : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Andrea Obana : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, <Arthur Syin : {'1': 'n', '3': 'y'}>, <Aya McMahon : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Aya Ohi : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y'}>, <Bruce Taylor : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Carlos Inomata : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y'}>, <Carlos Ramirez : {'': ''}>, <Chris Heissner : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Daniel Bretzke : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'n', '14': 'n', '6': 'y'}>, <Daniel Wiltshire : {'1': 'y', '3': 'y', '2': 'y', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Daniel Yuki Smith : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Daniel+Bretzke : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'y', '14': 'n', '6': 'n'}>, <Daniel+Wiltshire : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n', '2': 'n', '14': 'y', '6': 'y'}>, <Diana Meredith : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Eric Bowles : {'1': 'n', '3': 'n'}>, <Erica Benner : {'1': 'y', '3': 'n'}>, ...], questions=[], th_name='Hideyuki Kusuda')
    279         responses = thing.responses     
=>  280         for q in missing_questions(questions):
    281                 if '-' + str(q) in tq.thing_trail(thing):
    282                         print "Has answered missing question %d" % q + '<br/>'
q undefined, global missing_questions = <function missing_questions>, questions = []
 /home/r/riktov/public_html/cgi-bin/ in missing_questions(questions=[])
    226 def missing_questions(questions):
=>  227         q_num_range = questions_num_range(questions)
    228         q_nums = [ int(tq.question_id(q)) for q in questions ]
    229         return set(q_num_range).difference(q_nums)
q_num_range undefined, global questions_num_range = <function questions_num_range>, questions = []
 /home/r/riktov/public_html/cgi-bin/ in questions_num_range(questions=[])
    221         """Return a range of questions from the existing ids"""
    222         q_ids = [ int(tq.question_id(q)) for q in questions ]
=>  223         full_range = range(min(q_ids), max(q_ids))
    224         return full_range
full_range undefined, builtin range = <built-in function range>, builtin min = <built-in function min>, q_ids = [], builtin max = <built-in function max>

<type 'exceptions.ValueError'>: min() arg is an empty sequence
      args = ('min() arg is an empty sequence',)
      message = 'min() arg is an empty sequence'