DESCRIPTION: ------------ MIDICLOCK can be used for synchronization of MIDI devices such as sequencers, synths, drum machines,... Midiclock provides clock output to up to 2 selectable MIDI outputs. The BPM rate is controllable through Tap Tempo and Customizable Midi Input. LICENSE: ----------- MIDICLOCKDETECT is free to use for non commercial purposes. If you use this utility creatively you are encouraged to let me know. If you use this utility regularly or professionally, please check how to obtain a license at www.midiclock.com. Keep in mind that you use this software at your own risk; any damage which might occur, in whatever form, is your own responsibility Keep in mind that you use this software at your own risk; any damage which might occur, in whatever form, is your own responsibility. DOWNLOAD: --------- Download from www.midiclock.com.TO INSTALL: ----------- Unzip MIDICLOCK.ZIP to a directory of your choice. Start MIDICLOCK.EXE (That's generally it). USAGE: ------ Keyboard shortcuts : F1 : start/stop clock sequence F2 : send pause MIDI code F3 : send continue MIDI code F5 : use bookmark tempo nr. 1 CTRL+F5 : set bookmark tempo nr. 1 F6,CTRL+F6,F7,CTRL+F7,F8,CTRL+F8 : tempo bookmarks nr 2, 3 & 4 Mousewheel up/down : increase/decrease tempo Ctrl+Alt+s : save settings to clockpresets.ini file. SPACE BAR : Tap Tempo (tap on 3 and 4) HINTS: ------------ 1. MIDIClock can be used to synchronize multiple sequencers/synths. You can do this using MIDIYoke (get it at www.midiox.com) : Connect MIDIClock to MIDIYoke Junction 1 output. As MIDIYoke is a multiclient driver, you can connect multiple sequencers/synths (such as rebirth, AN1x,...) to MIDIYoke Junction 1 MIDI input. 2. Don't forget to push Ctrl+Alt+s if you wish to save your settings. It saves into clockpresets.ini. 3. Basic MIDI control (program change) of tempos can be set from the GUI. Just send the desired patch change to the program's selected midi in. Adjust to the according tempo and press apply. The program change message is now linked to the tempo. Midi channels are numbered from 1 to 16. The Program numbers are numbered from 1 to 128. 4. By editing the clockpresets.ini file, you can achieve even more advanced remote control of midiclock. Enable HexSpy to monitor the incoming midi messages. It will help you determine which entries you need to add to the ini file. The BPM_PRESETS section contains the tempo settings for all patch selects. You can add action codes to any of these entries. Additionally you can add special commands which translate an incoming midi message (such as midi control messages) into a midiclock action. This is done in the SPECIAL_COMMANDS section. The following target action codes can be executed on incoming midi commands : (only usable by editing the ini file) : 0 = do nothing 1 --> 200 = set this specific BPM value 10000 = perform midi value to tempo transformation (see below) 10001 = start-stop 10002 = pause 10003 = continue 10004 = start 10005 = stop 10006 = decrease tempo 10007 = increase tempo In case of action 10000 --> midi value to tempo transformation : for the last byte you can use a specific value or selectable range transformation from this list of presets : Preset 0xF0: From 0x00 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 1.58 and offset = 0 Preset 0xF1: From 0x00 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 1 and offset = 0 Preset 0xF2: From 0x00 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 2 and offset = 0 Preset 0xF3: From 0x00 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 3 and offset = 0 Preset 0xF4: From 0x00 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 4 and offset = 0 Preset 0xFA: From 0x00 to 0x3F --> multiplier = 2 and offset = 0 Preset 0xFB: From 0x40 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 2 and offset = 0 Preset 0xFC: From 0x00 to 0x3F --> multiplier = 2 and offset = 50 Preset 0xFD: From 0x40 to 0x7F --> multiplier = -2 and offset = 306 Preset 0xFF: From 0x01 to 0x7F --> multiplier = 2 and offset = 0 An example in the clockpresets.INI file : [BPM_PRESETS] # this sets the tempo to 140 when program nr 1 is selected PROGRAM1=140 # this sends start when program nr 2 is selected PROGRAM2=10004 # this sends stop when program nr 3 is selected PROGRAM3=10005 [SPECIAL_COMMANDS] # this example enables using the modulation wheel to control the tempo # F0 means the range transform setting accepts full controller range # it sets tempo to (controller value)*1.58 # which maps the midi range 00-7F on bpm range 1 to 200 INPUT0=B102F0 ACTION0=10000 ** use ACTION code 20001 for tap tempo message input CONTACT INFO: ------------- You can get the latest version and contact info about MIDICLOCK from the www-site: http://www.midiclock.com HISTORY: -------- 0.01 11 March 2002 First Release, tested on a Yamaha AN1x Synth. 1.00 07 April 2002 Keyboard Shortcuts added. 1.01 08 April 2002 Mousewheel support added. 1.02 09 May 2002 Pause/Continue Sending added. 1.03 08 March 2003 MIDI IN synchronization, INI file saving added 1.04 11 March 2003 Program nrs : 1 to 128 Channel nrs : 1 to 16. 1.05 31 May 2004 Special action support in INI file 2.00 01 Dec 2007 Midi preset checking at startup + dual clock output 2.01 28 Jan 2009 Tap Tempo support 2.02 08 Feb 2009 Tap Tempo AutoStart ......check http://www.midiclock.com for newer versions