SCSI Tools 6.52 Run 'hushi.prg' to start the driver. Then run 'scsitool.prg' to partition the hard disk image. Select 'Partitionen' > 'Neu einrichten' to create a new partition root sector for this image. Select 'Standard' in the dialog box, then you got a new dialog box where you choose partition types and sizes. Then select 'Ok' and 'Ja, partionieren' to validate your changes. Now you have to install the driver. In 'Treiber' menu, select 'Instalieren'. Select the new partition where to install the hard disk driver. Once installed, reconfigure it so it does not search for SCSI or ACSI drives ('Gerätereihenfolge' in installation dialog box). Just keep I0 and I1 for IDE devices.