[IFA] Big Trabbi Homepage [IFA]

Trabant... Wonderfull car... (He, he, he...). In German language 'trabant" means satelite! So I have my own SATELITE!!!. Yes, yes... I'm owner of this car! Its... No! Sorry... His name is "Blue Thunder". "Blue" from his color, "thunder" form noise of engine.

Engine... Something special - see below for more...

Trabant's engine technical specification: And take a look inside...
Type: two-stroke (sic!), two cylinders Trabant's (powerful>l?) engine
Power: 26 hp (19.2 KW) at 4200 rpm
Engine capacity: 594.5 ccm
Max. turning moment: 54 Nm at 3000 rpm
Clutch: hydraulic, automatic or manual
Gears: four
Engine cooling: by air
Max. speed: about 100 km/h
Acceleration: 90 km/h in 60 second (sic!)
Fuel consumption: approx. 7.0 L/100 km

So go deeper...

Deeper inside Trabant... (on upper image dimensions are in milimeters)

