Website of Jens Schmidt
Journal Paper Contributions
The IPG6-B as a Research Facility to support Future Development of Electric Propulsion.
Jens Schmidt, René Laufer, Truell Hyde, Georg Herdrich
Acta Astronautica, 2022, Vol. 196, 432-441
Thrust measurement and thrust balance development at DLR’s electric propulsion test facility.
Andreas Neumann, Jens Simon, Jens Schmidt
EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation, 2021, Vol 8, 17
Discharge parameters of PlasmaKristall-4BU: A modifiable dusty plasma experiment.
Jens Schmidt, Truell W. Hyde
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, Vol. 91 No. 083506
Operational behaviour of the inductively-heated plasma generator IPG6-B for scientific applications.
Jens Schmidt, René Laufer, Truell Hyde, Georg Herdrich
Vacuum, 2020, Vol. 176, No. 109338
- Standardized Approach for Langmuir Probe Measurements using Low Power Arcjet VELARC: Experiments in ESA-ESTEC Facility.
Georg HERDRICH, Jonathan SKALDEN, Lukas ACKERMANN; Stefanos FASOULAS, Davar FEILI, Käthe DANNENMAYER, Jens Schmidt
Frontier of Applied Plasma Technology, 2020, Vol. 13, No. 1.
Impact of a High-Power Pulsed Plasma Flow with a Surface of High-Temperature Materials.
M. N. Kazeev, V.F. Kozlov, V.S. Koidan, G. Herdrich, J. Schmidt
Plasma Physics Reports, 2019, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 445–453.
Translation from Russian:
М. Н. Казеев, В. Ф. Козлов, В. С. Койдан, G. Herdrich, J. Schmidt
ФИЗИКА ПЛАЗМЫ, 2019, том 45, № 5, с. 443–451
Conference Contributions
Concept for an Experimental Study of Dust Rim Formation on Chondrules [#1910]
Jens Schmidt, Augusto Carballido, Lorin S. Matthews, René Laufer, Georg Herdrich, Truell W. Hyde
50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, March 2019
- Characterization and application of the inductively-heated plasma generator IPG6-B.
Jens Schmidt, Truell W. Hyde, Georg Herdrich, René Laufer.
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, Oregon, USA. November 2018
- Electrostatic probe measurements in the inductively-heated plasma generator IPG6-B
Jens Schmidt, René Laufer,Georg Herdrich, Truell W. Hyde
7th Russian-German Conference on Electric Propulsion, Leipzig, Germany, October 2018
- Impact of a high power pulsed plasma flow with a surface of high-temperature materials.
M. N. Kazeev, V.F. Kozlov, V.S. Koidan G. Herdrich, J. Schmidt
Abstracts of the ХLV International (Zvenigorod) Conference on Plasma Physics and CF. Zvenigorod, February 2 - 15, 2018, Ed. ZAO NTC "PLAZMAIOFAN", P. 299.