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7th of April 2004

Lowey Predicts

"Conflict between two old enemies may appear to begin to resolve, but the cracks will begin to show once again. All is not lost, however. Strong leadership from one side may help, but headstrong opposition may throw a spanner in the works. Peace will eventually prevail."

Lowey Predicts

This is my first prediction. I believe I can have at least one prediction come to fruit within the next month, but I can not guarantee anything. If my predictions prove popular I may even go so far as to start a Horoscope.


This is, perhaps, also the time to announce my new website, which you will have seen if you followed that link above. It is far from complete, but it is going to very much be an evolving site. The idea is that because it is highly dynamic it will be easier for me to maintain, and I hope to keep everything as up-to-date as possible. There's not much up there atm, but I will remedy that asap.

A Weird Thing

I always thought this was a cliche... In films when a car runs out of petrol, or a plane is leaking aviation fuel, and the fuel gauge reads empty. Someone always flicks it. Always. I never had any idea why, it always struck me as a stupid cliche, until today.

When I got home from work and was parking the car, I noticed the fuel gauge was beyond empty. This couldn't be possible, it had half a tank of diesel that morning. Unsure as to what came over me, I flicked the gauge - and the arm jumped straight back up to the "half full" mark.

Clearly everything in films is real and I have been wrong all these years. Clearly Germans are all mad scientists and/or deranged lunatics who want to take over the world, Americans are all heroes, the English are all professors who speak with an Oxford accent or coal miners who speak with a Yorkshire accent and the French are all arty farty lovers.

Blog #109, posted at 18:18 (GMT)