pspkernel.h File Reference

#include <pspuser.h>
#include <pspiofilemgr_kernel.h>
#include <psploadcore.h>
#include <pspstdio_kernel.h>
#include <pspsysreg.h>
#include <pspkdebug.h>
#include <pspintrman_kernel.h>
#include <pspmodulemgr_kernel.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define pspKernelSetKernelPC()
 Set the $pc register to a kernel memory address.
#define pspKernelSetUserPC()
 Set the $pc register to a user memory address.

Define Documentation

#define pspKernelSetKernelPC (  ) 


{     \
        __asm__ volatile (      \
        "la     $8, 1f\n\t"     \
        "lui    $9, 0x8000\n\t" \
        "or     $8, $9\n\t"     \
        "jr     $8\n\t"         \
        " nop\n\t"              \
        "1:\n\t"                \
        : : : "$8", "$9");      \
        sceKernelIcacheClearAll(); \
Set the $pc register to a kernel memory address.

When the PSP's kernel library stubs are called, they expect to be accessed from the kernel's address space. Use this function to set $pc to the kernel address space, before calling a kernel library stub.

#define pspKernelSetUserPC (  ) 


{     \
        __asm__ volatile (      \
        "la     $8, 1f\n\t"     \
        "li     $9, 0x7FFFFFFF\n\t" \
        "and    $8, $9\n\t"     \
        "jr     $8\n\t"         \
        " nop\n\t"              \
        "1:\n\t"                \
        : : : "$8", "$9");      \
        sceKernelIcacheClearAll(); \
Set the $pc register to a user memory address.

Generated on Tue Jul 24 15:21:24 2007 for PSPSDK-Rev2272 by  doxygen 1.5.2