DHCP available address value monitored with nagios

I have a DHCP server that sometime has no free IP addresses to assign. What can I do to monitor how many IP are still available?

Well, perl and NSClient++ installed on my Micro$oft DHCP server, I wrote a simple program to execute and parse the command

netsh dhcp server show mibinfo

that gives some output containing the data I need. The source is quite simple: it assume the DHCP server is on a 10.20.x.y network and prints a list of comma separated numbers: the network (30 means, the assigned address number, the free address number.

# the output will be a list like this:
#       (30,74,95) (31,139,7) (32,110,1)

@myoutput=`netsh dhcp server show mibinfo`;
foreach $myrow (@myoutput) {
if ( $myrow =~ /Subnet = 10\.20\.(.*)\.0\./ ) {
$mystr = $mystr . “($1,”;
if ( $myrow =~ /(.*) Addresses in use = (.*)\./ ) {
$mystr = $mystr . “$2,”;
if ( $myrow =~ /(.*) free Addresses = (.*)\./ ) {
$mystr = $mystr . “$2) “;
print “$mystr”;

Then I needed to add this line to the nsc.ini file, in order to run my perl script remotely


Once restarted the NSClient service, from my nagios server it’s possible to get the result from command line:

$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H myserverdhcp -c check_dhcp
(31,75,94) (32,144,2) (33,111,0)

A simple bash script plugin can be written to parse the result and getting nagios able to monitor the DHCP free address number value. E.g. this

# Return values

checkdata () {
VAL=`echo $2 | wc | awk ‘{print $2}’`
if [ $VAL -eq 0 ]; then
echo $1 is not set
exit $RET_UNKN

checkdata “Remote IP” $MYHOST
checkdata “Network number” $MYNET
checkdata “Threshold WARN” $ThresholdWARN
checkdata “Threshold CRIT” $ThresholdCRIT

MYRETSTRING=`/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H $MYHOST -c check_dhcp`
MYFREEADDR=`echo $MYRETSTRING | sed -e “s/.*($MYNET,//” | sed -e “s/).*//” | sed -e “s/.*,//”`
checkdata “IP number” $MYFREEADDR

if [ $MYFREEADDR -lt $ThresholdCRIT ]; then
echo “CRITICAL – Only $MYFREEADDR IP Available for $MYNET network$EXTRAMESSG”
exit $RET_CRIT
if [ $MYFREEADDR -lt $ThresholdWARN ]; then
echo “WARNING – Only $MYFREEADDR IP Available for $MYNET network$EXTRAMESSG”
exit $RET_WARN
echo “OK – $MYFREEADDR IP Available for $MYNET network$EXTRAMESSG”
exit $RET_OK

Then nagios has to be set up with the usual lines in the command configuration file

define command{
command_name check_nt_dhcp
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nt_dhcp.sh $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$

And in the services file:

define service{
use                             generic-service         ; Name of service template to use

host_name                       dhcpserver
service_description             Free IP on network
is_volatile                     0
check_period                    24×7
max_check_attempts              10
normal_check_interval           30
retry_check_interval            30
contact_groups                  admins
notification_interval           240
notification_period             24×7
notification_options            c,r
check_command                   check_nt_dhcp!33!10!5


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