
Easy multitrack recording with Ecasound

Thu, 25 Dec 2014


Releasing v1.203

I am happy to announce Nama version 1.203. With this release, the effects-handling code has been fully converted to Nama's OO model and several issues resolved.

For users, the add-effect and remove-effect commands will now work on effect chains as well as simple effects. Effects can be addressed by effect ID, user alias or effect code. Some bus-related commands have been renamed to conform standard terminology.

For those who care to prod and hack the sources, Nama's variables, defined in src/var*, are now documented in varoverview.

I welcome feedback from any tire-kicking, torture-testing etc.

Ongoing Improvements - now at Version 1.102

Nama has continued to evolve.

Git support has been integrated. It is now the preferred way to manage projects, as it allows branching and returning to a previous state. For easy transition Nama offers save/get commands that work with branch names the way you would expect to work with files.

Adopting Git has led to changes in serialization. For each project, git tracks one file (State.json) containing data that directly affects project audio. Track and version comments, and other peripheral data is stored separately.

Effect chains and profiles have been re-implemented in a much cleaner way, and may include inserts as well as effects and controllers.

For user convenience, times can be specified in samples as well as seconds. Underlying storage is as double-precision floats with 15-17 significant figures.

(March 4, 2013)

Julien Claassen's Nama pages

Julien has been Nama's number-one tester, and his feature requests are behind many of Nama's newer abilities.

He's writing his own pages about Nama. Right now it's mostly links to his music.

Lately he's been using Leslie IR files with jconv to give Leslie sound to his organ recordings. Nama's cache_track function makes it possible for him to free up CPU by preprocessing those files.